Fly-In 2023 – Seppe (EHSE) & Breda
Dear IFFR members,
Let’s make the Benelux Fly-in different and difficult this year in Breda, The Netherlands. No, we will not put you into an ABC (another bloody Cathedral) but tell you the personal stories of our members during your stay in the Netherlands.
We gladly invite you to our Fly-in weekend arriving on the 23rd of June 1130LT at Seppe International Airport near the beautiful city of Breda. Of course we will be visiting a Flying Museum after landing at Seppe. Lunch will be served, avoiding raw fish and plenty of coffee and tea will be served. The old Flying machines at the museum will be available to fly on Sunday, so people, enjoy selecting your plane. (not included in the Fly-in price 😉)
After a short bus tour from Seppe to the city centre of Breda, we will drop off our luggage at the hotel, but endup having a stroll through the city centre guided by our own members.
Leaving our wives at the many shopping centres in the area, while the men have a serious talk together. Hèhè. Humprey’s restaurant will serve us a nice 3 courses meal with drinks included. Do not forget to let us know your personal favourite fish, meat of veggie…
On Saturday your IFFR tourguide Maurice will lead and introduce you into the secrets of the Royal Military Academy where he studied during the stone ages. Personal stories will enlighten the secret world of the Dutch officers Academy. Juicy details follow during the visit. To conclude at our favourite lunch stop with it’s teasing name Big Belly Restaurant.
Not only lunch will be served but also a beer tasting experience will follow.
And to make sure you will be entertained, a personal Pub Quiz with Aviation and IFFR membership related questions will follow. An absolute hilarious happening where we get to know each other better.
For those who has better things to do can go into the City centre just around the corner enjoying modern, but also authentic shopping malls and shops.
After a small break we will be gathering together to have our famous Gala dinner in Black tie and women (and/or men) in their most beautiful dresses.
Music will guide us through the evening. Dancing allowed. But be aware, we are not allowed to keep other hotel guests awake 😉
The hotel named after our IFFR Benelux president Keyser will serve us nice food and accompanied with drinks. Bubbels and wines. Of course all-inclusive in the 310 euro entrance fee per person.
On Sunday, after the hangover and breakfast we will be leaving to Seppe airport again to say good bye or fly with one of the Vintage planes.
Special Hotel rates apply.
Looking forward meeting you all in Breda from 23-25th of June 2023.
Maurice Tax and Huub van Heur
Board members of IFFR Benelux