A word from the Chairman IFFR Benelux
Dear friends of IFFR,
Since January 22nd 2017, I am the president of the IFFR Benelux-section for the next years and the successor of three magnificant chairmans.
So you can see my difficulty to keep the splendid spirit in our section, but with the help of my members of the board, it shouldn’t be a problem.
For example : The quality provided in our sections-meetings of the next years will be equal or even better then those of the past years.
I will encourage every member to participate to our activities and also to maintain our good relations with other IFFR sections.
Please remember :
All friends with a “flying heart” are very welcome.
Remember that IFFR stands for Rotarians who are dedicated to promote aviation as an opportunity for fellowship and service.
Have a nice flight,
Huub van Heur,
President of the IFFR Benelux section.